Sunday, March 27, 2011

Same Issues different School Year!-Call to Action!

This year I decided that I was unwilling to settle!

Education Reform and Drop-Out rates are all the buzz in our School District. I did my part in contacting my legislators with the following asking them to consider the "Real Cost" of not fixing our education system and how it impacts my son and his peers in the future! This is my opinion and what our family truly believes. (Insert Soap-box warning here!)

I would like to let you know that ending segregation/discrimination of Special Education Students into self-contained classrooms is another measure that needs to be address in education reform.

A thought to ponder and share: The Department of Education provides federal funding to provide educational services to individual states and School Districts who practice segregation and discrimination. Please consider that making parents (not respecting parent choice of the neighborhood school placement) choose to receive special education services for their child dependent on placement in a self-contained classroom not at their home neighborhood school is the same as sending Children of Color to another school because of the color of their skin which they can not help. This is our current situation for the past 18 months. You are welcome to contact us to discuss our educational issue further.

We need to end discrimination in our School Districts. If you look at the costs associated with providing segregation to students who qualify for Special Education Services you will find that most of that cost is spent on Transportation to bus to another school and one-on-one services that are measured in minutes that on most IEP's do not total 300 minutes per day (typical number of minutes in an averarge school day) and can be provided at their neighborhood schools but districts have gotten into a this is how we do it model.

We cant afford the financial cost any longer and besides look at the APR testing for special education students-very few districts who allow segregation are meeting the standards....yet school districts who because of budget constraints are unable to segregate have students with special education services who are passing the APR.

Why? Those kids have the same disabilities as kids from the "Big Cities".

I believe it is because of FULL INCLUSION! Its CHEAPER, ITS the LAW, and ITS WHAT IS RIGHT FOR ALL KIDS!

Parents should not have to choose to attend a neighboring school to have their children receive the services they need if they live 5 blocks from an awarding winning Title I school!

I appreciate your attention and attempt in understanding my husband and my position on this matter. My son Harrison, 8 years old with Autism, is the future.

The current education system is setting up Harrison’s current peers to financially support him in the future instead of teaching all children to work together so that my son will be able to have livable wage employment without having to depend on Public Assistance for living expenses and Medical coverage.

That truly is the cost of not fixing this problem now!

It is amazing where passion comes from! I have found mine...ending segregation of children with Disabilities in Public School! What is your passion and what are you doing about it?
