Monday, April 2, 2012

4/2 Presidential Proclamation -- World Autism Awareness Day, 2012

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) affect young people and adults of every background, and millions of American families know the weight of their impact. On World Autism Awareness Day, we recognize ASDs as a growing public health issue and recommit to supporting those living with an ASD and their loved ones.
We have made great strides in our understanding of the autism spectrum, and today, children and adults with ASDs are leading independent and productive lives. However, barriers still remain for these individuals and their families. As a Nation, we share a responsibility to ensure persons living with ASDs have the opportunity to pursue their full measure of happiness and achieve their greatest potential.
Meeting the needs of Americans on the autism spectrum remains a priority for my Administration. Last September, I was proud to sign the Combating Autism Reauthorization Act, which provides critical funding for autism research, education, early detection, and support and services for children and adults. Under the Affordable Care Act, new insurance plans are required to cover autism screenings and developmental assessments for children at no additional cost to parents. Insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to children with pre-existing conditions, and young people can stay on their parents' health insurance plan until age 26, easing financial burdens for families. With the Department of Education, we are making substantial investments in enhancing education for children on the autism spectrum -- from early learning to higher education. And federally funded research continues to explore how we can improve independent living, develop assistive technology, and advance vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with autism. For additional information and resources, I encourage all Americans to visit
As new policies and bold actions break down old barriers and reshape attitudes, we move closer to a world free of discrimination and full of understanding for our family members and friends living with ASDs. On World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our dedication to supporting those on the autism spectrum and their families, and let us continue the work of ensuring all our people have a chance at achieving the American dream.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2, 2012, as World Autism Awareness Day. I encourage all Americans to learn more about autism and what they can do to support individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.

4/1 April is Autism Awareness Month!

April is Autism Awareness Month. 

The CDC came out last week that 1 in 88 children 8 years old were affected at last count. 

1 in 59 boys! 

It is not a De jour DX for those of us who has Autism live in our families. 

Encourage each other! Stay strong and set your goals high for your family- shoot for the moon! 

Even if you miss you will land among the Stars! 

You can do it I believe in you!

And to help out we are going to try to post an interesting information everyday in April that show that you are not alone in trying to figure out your path along the Autism Journey so from Me and Some from Mr. H. 

Won't you join us?


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

02/29/2012 Plans, Plans, and More Plans

Today is the last official day of February 2012.  Many growth steps were realized this week in regards to Harrison and the trails in which we are hoping to journey down in the next few months.

Yesterday, we met with a doctor who diagnosis Harrison with Autism in 2005 for the first time since the initial appointment (Really it was 2005 is what I said to her) and after leaving the office I had a few thoughts:

1.  Wow it was really almost 7 years ago that Harrison was dx with Autism.

2.  The Doctor seemed really surprised that Harrison greeted her unprompted and asked her questions about the appointment.

3.  That our fight with District 81 has been at least 5 years long in just trying to get services for Harrison and that most people would have given up by now. 

4.  We have the best support system in friends, family and Families Together! 

5. That I forgot that I had a few cards held back in my hand to play and they were re-discovered last night and it is the time to play those cards.

6.  That we are a family!  We do things that other families with children do, however we just do them at different times, and in different ways.  But we do them.

7.  Our Dream of Taking Harrison to Disneyland for His Birthday/Christmas has finally occurred 4 years after we wanted but it was at a time when we were already and the best part is that we were able to share it with Grandma and Grandpa Armstrong!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

02/23 Emu Poster

Harrison struggles to write and draw easily.  He worked hard to create the following poster for Achievement 5a for his Cub Scout Bear Badge.  He is only 5 more requirements away from earning his rank.  We will have completed those in the next two weeks and he should be awarded his rank at the Pack Meeting in March. Here is his poster of a favorite animal!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/22 A New Year

Many things have changed in our life.  Harrison has grown in so many ways.  Here are some highlights so far this year!