Saturday, March 8, 2008

Autism Resources

As Spring arrives we are working on making sure that we are prepared to help Harrison have a jump on with the academic parts of Kindergarten so that he will be able to handle the social aspects with little frustration (I know I am dreaming but let me live in my bubble). The following 2 links I found very helpful- they were shared with me by Kristy from the ASW-Spokane Chapter. The first is for Spokane Public Schools-District 81 Kindergarten Spelling/Phonics Program Guide

The second was for inforamtion on Autism directed to Physicians but I found it pretty helpful in explaining Autism to others who just dont get it!

We are dealing with the flu in our household right now-I am finally getting better but Harrison is now coming down with it!

Let me know if this type of information is helpful for you and your family!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just some quick advice worth taking

Read books that you enjoy...

Play with simple things...

Do whatever you want

whenever you want...

Look for affection when you need it...

Get serious once in a while...

Forget about diets...

Show some affection

Get angry once in a while...

Change your look...

Be happy, above all, regardless

what your challenges may be.

Have a great week!

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly .

Leave the rest to God!

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone

you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Raising or caring for children with special needs causes some real frustrations. I hope that this post helps to insert a little humor into your day, and help put life into perspective.

And thanks, Andrea, for passing this on to me.